Thursday, September 27, 2012

"Leaves and Trees"

Here is an ebook called "Leaves and Trees". It has a Chant, a Fingerplay, and a Song for early childhood and early elementary age children. You may download it for $1 at:
As you spend time together, you and your child will be empowered by the rhythm of language, finger dexterity, sustaining pitches and learning about leaves and trees. You may enjoy taking a walk to collect some leaves to trace or draw later. You may enjoy taking photos of leaves or looking them up on the internet. This is a special way to spend ten dedicated minutes with your child. As you repeat the Theme each day, you will know your child feels the beat and is gaining more dextrous fingers and can hear the melody when s/he begins to chant and play and sing with you. This is a wonderful way to engage your child and to create focus through the many avenues of music. Kathryn Hardage aka “Kacky Muse” “I have a musical mind, musical indeed.

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